RECRUITINTERVIEWYoung staff working at LDH

Management and Sales Headquarters
2nd Management Division
Joined in 2019


Can you tell us about your job?
I'm a manager for the artists.
I'm tasked with bookings and managing schedules, of course for live shows, but also for TV, magazine, and social media appearances, as well as accompaning the artists to venues, there's really no end to it if I go into detail, but the most important aspect of the job is giving them close support.
What part of your job do you find appealing and rewarding?
Having the honor to work with artists, I guess the biggest appeal I can't leave out is being able to see the live performances.
It's only during live events when you get to see just how happy and emotional the fans can get, making you realize just how much of an impact these artists that you're managing / supporting are having on them.
Managers are constantly working, whether above or below the stage, but I try to come out from below the stage in order to see how the fans are reacting as much as I can.
That in itself becomes my biggest motivation and reward for my hard work.
Tell me what made you choose us?
Believe it or not, I'm in the same age range as the Jr. EXILE generation. During my student years, I've always heard songs from EXILE and other LDH artists every now and then, whether it was from inside my parents' car or from somewhere else.
After getting accepted into college and leaving my home town, I found myself going to a lot of concerts and live events, with one of those concerts being EXILE's Dome Tour. It was then and there that I instantly grew an interest in LDH.
After trying out many different career paths, I decided that if I were to go down the entertainment business, I'll definitely try my luck at LDH. And that was what made me choose here.
What makes you glad you joined LDH?
Fortunately, in my first year at LDH, I was given the wonderful opportunity to experience working behind the scenes of giant stages such as the Dome Tour and Kōhaku.
It's not like I have something to compare it to, but I do believe that they're all experiences I wouldn't of had if I wasn't at LDH.
I believe that I have more chances to fully understand the speed and the ever changing trends in the entertainment industry because I'm at LDH.
It is something I wouldn't give up for anything, and this is why I truly feel that LDH was the best choice.
Do you have any dreams you want to fulfill here at LDH?
As a member of LDH, I want to be here when LDH creates a huge impact in the entertainment industry.
And furthermore, it's my goal to be at the centerpoint when that happens.
Lastly, although I'm still fairly young, it is my dream to be there when the artist(s) that I manage stand foot on the dome for the first time.
Please give a message to the new graduates out there seeking a job.
You might have a difficult time writing entry sheets, get nervous at interviews, feel that everyone around are your rivals, you'll get anxious and build up a lot of stress.
For me, that's when gathered as much information as I could.
I've looked up different fields of work, what type of work does company A do compared to company B, etc. all so that I'll have the necessary knowledge available after finding a job.
All I can say is that, although just joining some random company right now might end up being your immediate goal, just remember that all the hardships you're facing now could lead to something rewarding in the future, so don't give up and keep at it.