General Information

  • ・ All the information published on this site is for the purpose of disclosing company information of LDH JAPAN Inc. and subsidiary companies (henceforth referred to as "LDH Group").
  • ・ Please be aware, that while we do take extreme caution when updating information, there may be a possibility that the information is incorrect due to its being changed by a third party or due to technical issues beyond our control.
  • ・ The information appearing on this website is the latest information. There may be some differences between the current information and the information you looked up before.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability

  • ・ Use this website at your own risk.
  • ・ LDH Group carefully creates and manages documents, pictures, illustrations, movies, software, links and other kinds of information found on this website but takes no responsibility for its the accuracy, usefulness, recency and completeness.
  • ・ Our company may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. We do not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.
  • ・ Our company reserves the right to pause the operation or shut down this website without previously notifying the users.
  • ・ In no event will LDH Group be liable for any loss or damage due to any kind of information or data obtained on this website.
  • ・ LDH Group also does not take any responsibility for any damages incurred due to the use of any kind of information found on any of the websites this website links to, or the use of any information found on any website that links to this website.
  • ・ This website may not be properly used due to problems with data transfer, problems with the computers accessing this website, or due to other technical problems.


  • ・ All written materials, pictures, illustrations, movies, software and other materials on this website are protected by law, including but not limited to copyright law, patent rights, trademark rights and other rights that are held by our company as well as other third parties.
  • ・ All written materials, pictures, illustrations, movies, software and other materials on this site can only be displayed, reproduced, printed, etc. if and only if it is not placed where a third party is able to see it, if it is not used for commercial purposes, and only if it is used privately. Modification of the content is not allowed. Even if it is not shown where a third party is able to see it, if it is not used for commercial purposes, and only if it is used privately it is still not allowed to remove anything that displays copyright or anything related to copyright.
  • ・ Our company does not recognize any third party copyright, patent rights, trademark rights or any other rights.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

  • ・ This site is under LDH Group's management. It is accessible to people of various countries with differing laws, but those who access to this site and LDH Group both agree to be bound by Japanese laws and the laws of Tokyo.
  • ・ LDH Group provides no description or indication of whether this site's contents are suitable for the environment in which it is being accessed. Access to this site is done under your own free will and you take all the responsibility for it.
  • ・ Unless otherwise determined, any dispute due to the use of this site will fall primarily under the jurisdiction of courts in Tokyo.


  • ・ We use cookies in order to assure that our customers can make more effective use of our website when they visit it again.
  • ・ Cookies send information from this site to our customer's web browsers, and this information is stored on our customer's computers. However, this information does not include our customer's names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or any identifying information. Also, these cookies will cause no damage or ill effects to our customer's computers.
  • ・ It is possible to change the settings of your web browser to disable cookies. Even if cookies are disabled, there will be no problems viewing this website. Please contact the maker of your web browser for information on how to change these settings.