橘 ケンチ
橘 ケンチ

Social Innovation Officer

I would like to report that I have assumed the position of social Innovation Officer in the new LDH company structure from October of 2023.

I will be responsible for social contribution and local development, based on the SDG international goals which aim to make the world a better place.

If you recall, from the 2010 "EXILE LIVE TOUR 2010 FANTASY" LDH has been involved in activities and communicating the theme of social contribution and local development.

At that time, it was the first attempt for us to hold such a large tour. It was a big event, and while the LDH staff worked together to hold a live performance, the local community joined in on the festivities for a few weeks before and after, making it a very festive event, and experiencing the possibility of social contribution in the entertainment industry was a wonderful experience.

After this, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake struck, and when Japan was in a state of sadness and helplessness, EXILE’s desire to contribute to society as artists became even stronger, and with the new major LDH theme of "Raising Japan’s Spirit" we became conscious of this phrase in all our activities.

Currently, Japan is in a transitional phase where we are becoming a country which receives a lot of keen attention from around the world. Having evolved to the point of astonishing the world with rapid economic growth and joining the ranks of advanced nations in economy and industry, I feel that over time Japan has reached a period of maturity.

Japan's unique products and worldview, which are created from traditions and history that have been passed down from generation to generation through its rich and ancient environment, are being reinterpreted and reevaluated by the world today. For that reason, there's an increasing number of people from all regions who are looking ahead to Japan's future.

As a result of traveling across Japan to continue my life work of communicating the appeal of Japanese rice wine, I have come to the realization that each region of Japan will evolve in its own unique way, combining independence and creativity, which will create new value and connect it to the world...
I believe that many movements such as this will emerge.

I strongly hope that the story of EXILE group, which started from HIRO’s dream and evolved into the LDH community and expanded its global activities, will create a trend of having a deeper affinity with each region of Japan in the future, and while deepening mutual understanding, will create a new "Love Dream Happiness".

The destination we are aiming for is "Circle of Dreams".

With pride as an entertainment company originating in Japan, we will continue to create dreams and joys through our social contribution and regional development projects to raise Japan’s spirits and, by extension, the world, while sharing many inspiring moments with our supporters.
Thank you very much for your support.

Social Innovation Officer