NEWSTo support second career of athletes and artists! “TORISHIKI ICHIMON” led by TORISHIKI having formally launched recruitment of people who want second career!



“TORISHIKI ICHIMON” operated by LDH kitchen Inc. (Meguro Ward, Tokyo), has started a system for “recruitment of people who want a second career” from athletes and artists to become chefs. The “recruitment of people who want a second career” aims to actively recruit like-minded friends with “TORISHIKI ICHIMON”, regardless of their educational backgrounds, occupational history, experiences in athletic events, or accomplishments.

“TORISHIKI”, which became Michelin 1 Star Restaurant in 2011 and thereby became Japan’s representative restaurant for skewered grilled chicken, formed “TORISHIKI ICHIMON” in order to develop the culture of skewered grilled chicken further. Since its formation in 2023, it has opened 9 branches in Tokyo; “TORIEN New York City” in New York, the only Michelin 1 Star Restaurant of skewered grilled chicken in the United States; and “TORIKAZE Shanghai” in Shanghai, China, the first branch in Asia. It has been actively developing overseas business.

Yoshiteru Ikegawa, the president of TORISHIKI, was a salaried worker before his apprenticeship, so “TORISHIKI ICHIMON” has been actively recruiting inexperienced employees. With the goal of “improving the status of artisans of skewered grilled chicken” put forward by “TORISHIKI ICHIMON”, the system of “recruitment of people who want a second career”, which “allows those pursuing their dreams to once again take on the challenge of achieving them”, has formally started for athletes and artists.

Besides perfecting a dormitory system for those who come from elsewhere to Tokyo, the system of “recruitment of people who want a second career” also provides a “support system for independence” that enables recruitees to eventually open their own restaurants affiliated with “TORISHIKI ICHIMON”. In addition, the company provides a wide variety of career paths within it, such as store development, organizational management and project management, helping recruitees become “generalists” for group development.

Ikegawa, the president of TORISHIKI, said, “An artisan of skewered grilled chicken I am in pursuit of now is similar to martial artists and athletes. This position strengthens ‘mind, technique, and body’ and requires seriousness at every moment of working. Manners are necessary from the beginning to the end. And the artisan wants to entertain customers and bring them joy and moving feelings.” By recruiting people for the position who have many common points in such ways, “TORISHIKI ICHIMON” aims to develop the culture of skewered grilled chicken in Japan.

【Message from Yoshiteru Ikegawa, President of TORISHIKI ICHIMON】

I entered the industry of skewered grilled chicken when I was 27 years old.
Until then, I had hardly ever held a knife or cooked food.
I just love skewered meat and that is why I have come here today.

Why not apply your previous experience and passion to your second career?
The industry of skewered grilled chicken, both domestically and internationally, has a bigger space for development in the future.

I hope we will make dreams come true together. Welcome to join us!

【Message from Suzuki, President of LDH kitchen】

LDH is a place where dreams come true. LDH’s strength lies not only in supporting the dreams of artists, but also in creating a synergistic effect by combining the possibilities and thoughts of each employee, and making the dreams of more people come true.

LDH proposed “Diversity” as the recruitment theme in order to discover talents in various fields who can join us in spreading our company’s purpose “Circle of Dreams”. In addition to our main business such as management business, performance business, and music business, we are looking for globally minded talents who can work in the world in the fields of “Asia ・ globe”, “digit ・ technology”, “education”, and “food culture” which are our new strategic business.

We are looking for people who can “work together with many people to make dreams come true with strong determination.” Let’s work hand in hand to make yourself the protagonist and create the future for LDH and TORISHIKI ICHIMON.

【”TORISHIKI ICHIMON” Recruitment Site】
