LDH Group, led by the head Director, all artists, employees and executives, will conduct business activities and execute their official duties in compliance with laws, regulations, social norms, and the LDH Group Compliance Policy.
The LDH Group compliance system is as follows.

  • (1)The Representing Director will act as the Compliance Committee Chairman, and every internal Division Head as well as LDH Group Representatives will act as compliance officers in accordance with the established structure.
  • (2)The establishment of an Internal hotline for incoming calls and a contact point for reporting to an external law firm.
    This policy, which complies with the provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act, the highest priority is placed on protecting the confidentiality of the whistleblower and the facts of the report, and we ensure that the reporter is protected.
  • (3)The status of business activities within LDH Group is regularly monitored through meetings of the Compliance Committee, which includes external experts.
LDH Japan Inc. Compliance Structure LDH Japan Inc. Compliance Structure